
At The Magenta Mix, we are a mix of one-of-a-kind experts with decades of experience in transforming leaders and organizations.  Our experts specialize in strategy creation, operations, leadership development, executive coaching, sales leadership, and customer experience. Together we forge the perfect mix to help your leaders and business reach the highest level of contribution. That perfect mix is The Magenta Mix.

Unique in everything we do
Gary Magenta

 “All leaders need a leader to call them out on their bull$h!t, get real, stir it up, and define success for themselves, their people, their company, and their customers.”

– Gary Magenta, Chief Pot Stirrer

As the Founder and Chief Pot Stirrer of The Magenta Mix LLC, Gary Magenta is passionate about developing leaders, transforming organizations, engaging people, and delivering exceptional results. 

Throughout his career, Gary has worked with CEOs and executive teams of all sizes to create a holistic view of their businesses, people, and customers. His career has followed an unlikely path, from restauranteur and former cooking show host to business leader, author, and speaker.

When he’s not speaking or coaching, he’s writing. He’s the author of 720 Haircuts – Creating Customer Loyalty that Lasts a Lifetime; Blowing Up the Box: Disrupting the Customer Experience; The Un-Bossy Boss: 12 Powerful Questions to Make You a Great Manager; and Boss: The Original Four-Letter Word

He is a highly sought-after speaker for client events, industry conferences, business strategy, and human resources seminars. 

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